(annuncio in inglese)
Today we want to share a great achievement of our company: E4SMA has been mentioned in a crucial EU Communication.
The Communication presents a detailed impact assessment report, “Securing our future – Europe’s 2040 climate target and path to climate neutrality by 2050 building a sustainable, just and prosperous society” that was published by the EU Commission earlier this week.
In this policy milestone, the Commission recommends a 90% net greenhouse gas emissions reduction by 2040 compared to 1990 levels, launching a discussion with all stakeholders.
It is paramount to set an intermediate climate target for 2040. The Member States, stakeholders, investors, and EU decision-makers need predictability when they make decisions to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. The assessment aims to trigger a strategic dialogue on the post-2030 framework.
We are mentioned as the company that is operating the energy system model EU-TIMES in a multi-model analysis performed for the impact assessment report.
The Report includes a detailed Impact Assessment on possible pathways to reach the agreed goal of making the European Union climate-neutral by 2050. The multi-model analysis was performed to ensure the robustness of the results in the Report.
The other energy system models used in the multi-model analysis were AMADEUS-METIS, and POLES models. When performing the analysis, we also investigated specific aspects of the emission trends, displaying possible alternative sectoral mitigation pathways.
Save the joy of being mentioned in the EU Report, it has been super interesting and enlightening to work on the multi-model analysis. Cross-validating and comparing results and exploring differences on this level and scale have given us a lot of insights.
We have also had a very fruitful cooperation with our partners, Artelys, Enerdata & ENGIE Impact.
The report has been communicated to @The European Parliament, the Council of the European Union, the European Economic and Social Committee, and the European Committee of the Regions.
We cannot but hope that the Report will serve its purpose and that the EU will agree on a climate target for 2040.
If you want to know more:
The project: EU multi-model analysis
The EU-TIMES model: online documentation