E4SMA has supported the strategic planning of the Italian multinational company Enel for several years. We have developed customized energy systems models allowing for analyses of future electricity markets. The models have also enabled Enel to identify pathways to reach decarbonization targets. During 2023-2024, we are recalibrating the Enel TIMES-ITALIA energy systems model. In parallel, we are implementing a regionalization of the model by inserting seven electricity market zones. We are also building a new TIMES model of Portugal with a similar approach and structure to the TIMES models previously developed for the ENEL group.
Enel is a multinational company in the energy sector and a leading integrated operator in the global electricity and gas markets. Enel aims to be at the forefront of driving the change towards a sustainable energy system. The company is the world’s leading private Group in the field of renewable energy. Through multiple separate contracts, E4SMA has been supporting Enel in carrying out internal market analyses in various contexts. Correspondingly, we have provided technical assistance to build up the capability to better understand dynamics and opportunities.
E4SMA has delivered full energy systems models for Italy (Enel TIMES Italia), Spain (Enel TIMES España), France (Enel TIMES France), and Germany (Enel TIMES Deutschland). Furthermore, through other companies, we have delivered full energy systems models for selected Latin American countries, namely Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Panama, and Peru.
The customized models provide an all-sector modelling framework: Supply/upstream, generation sectors, agriculture, industry, commercial, residential, and transportation. It’s equipped with a rich characterization of technologies on the energy system’s supply and demand sides.
The TIMES models have sufficient detail to allow the beneficiaries to explore the implications of national-specific energy policies and technology scenarios. The TIMES energy systems modelling framework can provide the structural basis (templates) for the development of other country models.
| Country: Italy and world
| Duration: 2023-2024
| Activities: Model development
| Client: Enel
| Duration: 2023-2024
| Contact: e4sma@e4sma.com
Graphic credits: Freepik