Delivering on the Paris Agreement: A demand-driven, integrated assessment modelling approach Funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 Programme. PARIS REINFORCE aims to underpin climate policymaking with authoritative scientific processes and...
Smart City Emergence: Cases from around the World Elsevier E4SMA is pleased to announce the publication of the Elsevier book “Smart City Emergence: Cases from around the world”. (ISBN: 978-0-12-816169-2). The book assesses how smart cities are currently...
InSmart – A methodology for combining modelling with stakeholder input towards EU cities decarbonisation Journal of Cleaner Production Just released our co-authored publication on the InSmart methodology, a novel approach for sustainable urban planning!If you...
Client: Enel S.p.a. & Enel Foundation | Countries: Italy, Spain, Germany & France | Activity type: Modelling, analysis and training The objectives of these projects are to assist Enel in setting up customised TIMES models for European energy systems....
Country: Malta | Activity type: Technical assistance | Donor: European Commission Structural Reform Support Service The technical assistance provided technical support to the Energy and Water Agency, government agency under the Ministry for Energy and Water...