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E4SMA is providing technical support to the multinational company BHP. We have designed, built, and handed over a customized energy systems model, the BHP Global Energy Model. The model supports strategic energy planning. It enables BHP to analyze the possible, future developments of the global energy sector. 

Correspondingly, we have held capacity-building sessions to train the BHP modelling team on using the model. A manual describing the BHP Global Energy Model structure and how to use it was also produced. We have continued supporting the model and generating new scenario analyses. 

Furthermore, we have assessed the most relevant energy and climate dimensions in a scenario where global temperature increase is limited to 1.5 degrees and carbon emissions are constrained accordingly. 


BHP Climate Transition Action Plan 2021 sets out a strategic approach to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 30 pct. by 2030 and reach net zero emissions within the operations of the company by 2050. BHP is also working with customers and suppliers to support their own emissions reductions, consistent with the ambition of pursuing net zero in the value chain. 

The BHP Global Energy Model enables BHP to analyze the possible future developments of the global energy sector and to formulate robust future strategies and plans. 

BHP is the largest company in Australia and the largest mining company in the world. BHP has mining operations in Australia, North America, and South America, and petroleum operations in the U.S., Australia, Trinidad and Tobago, the UK, and Algeria. 


E4SMA has developed BHP-Global Energy Model using TIMES, the well-established modelling platform hosted by the IEA-ETSAP community. This model can explore multiple energy system scenarios assessing the role/impacts of policy decisions, emerging technologies, and environmental constraints in shaping the future energy sector. 

We have developed the BHP-Global Energy Model (B-GEM) with the user interface VEDA2.0 for data handling and the GAMS/CPLEX modelling language and optimizer. TIMES was primarily chosen for its extreme flexibility, solid international reputation, and advanced model management system. 

We have developed specific repositories for the depiction of future technologies in each of the modelled sectors and regions. These will include both conventional, currently available, high-efficiency, and (possibly) advanced technologies at various development stages (e.g., hydrogen vehicles, direct air capture (DAC)).  

Based on the disaggregation and focus of the BHP-Global energy model, E4SMA has shortlisted the best available technology databases and developed tailored model repositories.


| Country: Multinational 

| Duration: 2022-2024 

| Activities: Model development, capacity building, scenario analysis, assessment 

| Client: BHP 

| Contact:

 Graphic credits: Freepik

graphic world map in dots