Funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme.
The InSMART concept brings together cities, scientific and industrial organizations in order to establish and implement a comprehensive methodology for enhancing sustainable planning addressing the current and future city energy needs through an integrative and multidisciplinary planning approach.
This approach identify the optimum mix of short, medium and long term measures for a sustainable energy future, addressing the efficiency of energy flows across various city sectors with regards to economic, environmental and social criteria and paving the way towards actual implementation of priority actions.
Integrated city energy system models have been developed to analyse the cost-optimal mix of measures required to meet sustainable energy targets taking into account exogenous parameters, such policies, environmental targets, land usage, etc.
Measures have been further assessed with respect to non-technical criteria using a multi-criteria decision making method addressing economic, environmental as well as social issues.
The final outcomes of the project are detailed, realistic and applicable mid-term implementation plans for each partner city, describing and quantifying the necessary steps, required resources and monitoring procedures to transition to a more sustainable and resilient energy system.
- Nottingham University (UK)
- Nottingham City Council (UK)
- Systra (UK)
- Municipality of Cesena (Italy)
- Nova University of Lisbon (Portugal)
- EDP – Energias de Portugal (Portugal)
- Municipaly of Evora (Portugal)
- CRES – Centre of Renewable Energy Sources and Savings (Greece) – Coordinator
- DEYAT Trikala (Greece)
For more details and insignts:
- Project leaflet (download here)
- Mid-term action plans:
- Municipality of Cesena (download here)
- Technical documentation on tools:
- City energy system model of Cesena (download here)
- Multi-criteria decision analysis of Cesena (download here)
Other publications:
- Short video on the InSmart project produced by the Municipality of Cesena (watch here).
- Peer-reviewed publications related to the methodology and findings related to the project:
- De Miglio, R., Chiodi, A., Burioli, S., Giovannini, E., Gargiulo, M., 2017. Exploring Integrated Energy Action Plans for a Sustainable Transition of the Municipality of Cesena. Procedia Engineering 198, 541-548. (link)
- Gargiulo, M., Chiodi, A., De Miglio, R., Simoes, S., Long, G., Pollard, M., Gouveia, J.P., Giannakidis, G., 2017. An Integrated Planning Framework for the Development of Sustainable and Resilient Cities – The Case of the InSMART Project. Procedia Engineering 198, 444-453. (link)
- Simoes, S., Dias, L., Gouveia, J.P., Seixas, J., De Miglio, R., Chiodi, A., Gargiulo, M., Long, G., Giannakidis, G., 2018. INSMART – Insights on integrated modelling of EU cities energy system transition. Energy Strategy Reviews 20, 150-155. (link)
- Simoes, S.G., Dias, L., Gouveia, J.P., Seixas, J., De Miglio, R., Chiodi, A. Gargiulo, M., Long, G., Giannakidis, G. 2019. InSmart – A methodology for combining modelling with stakeholder input towards EU cities decarbonisation. Journal of Cleaner Production. (link)
- Giannakidis, G., Gargiulo, M., De Miglio, R., Chiodi, A., Seixas, J., Simoes, S.G., Dias, L., Gouveia, J.P., 2018. Challenges Faced When Addressing the Role of Cities Towards a Below Two Degrees World, in: Giannakidis, G., Karlsson, K., Labriet, M., Gallachóir, B.Ó. (Eds.), Limiting Global Warming to Well Below 2 °C: Energy System Modelling and Policy Development. Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 373-389. (link)