Since 2007, we have conducted training courses regularly on the energy system optimization model VEDA-TIMES. The training courses on VEDA-TIMES are tailored according to the actual needs. They span from two-day long to three-week long courses. We teach on all levels...
Overview We produced a report analyzing a scenario of the evolution of the Italian energy system 2019-2050. The scenario was developed in alignment with Proxigas’ vision of expected transformations and investments as the national and European energy and climate...
Overview E4SMA is partnering in the DIAMOND Project. The project is an ambitious EU project. The objective is to contribute to developing the next generation of integrated assessment models (IAMs). Six models will be upgraded to have fully open access. The models will...
Overview The aim of the Energy Outlook Report 2023 is supporting the Vietnamese authorities in planning for the most cost-efficient and affordable pathways to reach net-zero emissions in 2050. To this end, we are implementing fundamental and comprehensive improvements...
Overview We held two sessions of workshops on energy modelling for GIZ Headquarters staff. The workshops focused on the use of energy models and how these can support GIZ experts in energy planning. Based on the workshop and our experience, we produced an Energy...