(Annuncio in Inglese) E4SMA open positions E4SMA is looking for E4SMA is looking for enthusiast and skilled energy modellers to join our team. Check out the opportunity and engage with us! Position: Energy systems modeller (freelance) 1. ...
E4SMA team is expanding! E4SMA is looking for skilled and enthusiasts energy systems modellers interested in supporting our team on consultancy and research projects on energy systems planning strategies, climate policies, technology innovation and systems resiliency...
E4SMA team is expanding! We look for skilled and enthusiasts professionals interested in energy/environmental strategies, energy transition, climate policies, technology innovation and systems resiliency. Details below. Positions: Energy systems modeller Data...
Country: Vietnam | Beneficiary: Electricity and Renewable Energy Agency (Vietnam) | Donor: Danish Energy Agency | Partners: Institute of Energy (Vietnam), COWI (Denmark), Ea Energy Analyses (Denmark) | Activity type: Training, Technical support The project has...
E4SMA ha sviluppato un modello si ottimizzazione su globale, in grado di analizzare i sistemi energetici e la loro evoluzione nel tempo. Questo modello e’ disponibile in due versioni, una versione di base costruita interamente su dati open-source; ed una...