Client: Enel S.p.a. & Enel Foundation | Countries: Italy, Spain, Germany & France | Activity type: Modelling, analysis and training
The objectives of these projects are to assist Enel in setting up customised TIMES models for European energy systems.
E4SMA has delivered full energy systems models for Italy (Enel TIMES Italia), Spain (Enel TIMES España), France (Enel TIMES France) and Germany (Enel TIMES Deutschland).
The customised models provide an all-sector (supply/upstream, generation sectors, agriculture, industry, commercial, residential and transportation) modelling framework with a rich characterisation of technologies on both the supply and demand sides of the energy system.
The VEDA-TIMES models have sufficient detail to allow the beneficiaries to explore the implications of national-specific energy policies and technology scenarios, and will provide the structural basis (templates) for the development of other country models.