E4SMA è una società di consulenza fortemente posizionata. Offriamo i nostri servizi dal 2010 e disponiamo di un portafoglio completo.
E4SMA è specializzata in analisi e consulenza tecnica sulla decarbonizzazione dei sistemi energetici, a supporto della pianificazione energetica strategica. Forniamo servizi a livello nazionale, internazionale e locale ad aziende, istituzioni e agenzie governative.
La nostra portata globale si estende dall’Europa all’America Latina, all’Africa e all’Asia.
Paris Reinforce
Delivering on the Paris Agreement: A demand-driven, integrated assessment modelling approach Funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 Programme. PARIS REINFORCE aims to underpin climate policymaking with authoritative scientific processes and...
TIMES models customisation for European regions
Client: Enel S.p.a. & Enel Foundation | Countries: Italy, Spain, Germany & France | Activity type: Modelling, analysis and training The objectives of these projects are to assist Enel in setting up customised TIMES models for European energy systems....
Technical support for the development of the integrated National Energy and Climate Plan of Malta
Country: Malta | Activity type: Technical assistance | Donor: European Commission Structural Reform Support Service The technical assistance provided technical support to the Energy and Water Agency, government agency under the Ministry for Energy and Water...
Support to the Energy Union Governance Process
Technical and process support to Member States Countries: EU Member States | Donor: Directorate-General for Energy (DG Ener) & Directorate-General for Climate Action (DG-Clima) | Project partners: ICF Consulting Limited The objective of this project is to...
Development of Energy Planning Capacity for Serbia
Development of Energy Planning Capacity in Serbia Country: Serbia | Donor: EuropAid The overall objective of the current project is to support the Republic of Serbia in reforming its energy policy by meeting EU Energy Acquis through enhanced strategic planning...
CLEAR SKY 2040 – CO2 Local Emissions Absolute Removal, Our Surprise for Kids of Year 2040
Analisi e supporto nella preparazione di un piano strategico per la riduzione delle emissioni di gas serra Cliente: Ferrero Technical Service Settore: Industria alimentare L'obiettivo del progetto e' quello di supportare Ferrero Technical Services nell’identificazione...
Technical Assistance for Enhancement of Institutional Capacity in Energy Efficiency
EVREKA Project Country: Turkey | Beneficiary: Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources | Client: Niras | Donor: European Union | Activity type: Technical assistance, Model development The purpose of the project is to increase the capacity of the Ministry...
Promoting Green Economy in Kazakhstan and Central Asia
Country: Kazakhstan | Client: DIW ECON | Donor: GIZ | Period: 2020 The scope of the project is the support to the development of a National Strategy for Low Carbon Economic Development (LEDS) in accordance with its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to...
Nord e Sud America
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Medio Oriente
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Progetti multinazionali
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