E4SMA è una società di consulenza fortemente posizionata. Offriamo i nostri servizi dal 2010 e disponiamo di un portafoglio completo.
E4SMA è specializzata in analisi e consulenza tecnica sulla decarbonizzazione dei sistemi energetici, a supporto della pianificazione energetica strategica. Forniamo servizi a livello nazionale, internazionale e locale ad aziende, istituzioni e agenzie governative.
La nostra portata globale si estende dall’Europa all’America Latina, all’Africa e all’Asia.
Support services for the JRC-EU-TIMES model
Client: European Commission Directorate General Joint Research Centre – Institute for Energy and Transport (JRC-IET) Region: EU-28 countries, Switzerland, Iceland, Norway, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, and...
The objective of the IntERACT modelling project is to have a detailed TIMES model covering all the Danish energy system and linking this to a CGE model for the Danish economy. A linking procedure for all sectors to the CGE model also has to be developed. For more...
Whole System Energy Model for Scotland
Region: ScotlandClient: Scottish GovernmentThe aim of this project is to develop a Whole System Energy Model for Scotland to support the Scottish Government to inform its Third Report on Proposals and Policies in relation to Climate Change (RPP3).This comprehensive...
COMETS project
The transport sector is the major challenge in establishing a Denmark independent of fossil fuels. As the fossil fuels are phased out, the transport sector must be increasingly integrated in the rest of the energy system. Electric vehicles are charged and may supply...
Energy modelling Irish TIMES
Region: IrelandBeneficiary: University College Cork (UCC)Donor: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) under Ireland’s Climate Change Research Programme 2007–2013The project carried out by UCC’s Energy Policy and...
Funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme The aim of this project to establish a multidisciplinary and independent energy think tank consisting of experts from the energy sector, top researchers, engineers, leading trade, economic,...
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Nord e Sud America
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Medio Oriente
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Progetti multinazionali
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